My 2009 Z4 has the same error Code A69C "Valve 3 for retractable hardtop" but I also have the error code A696 "Hall Sensor, Open Circuit Closing Movement, Rear - End Module" as well.
My problem started about 2 years ago when opening the the top the rear boot would not fully open as a result, when the roof would descend into the trunk, the metal bracket mechanism under the rear window would catch the black fake leather part of the (not fully opened) rear boot.
As a result opening the top has become a 2 person job. One person to push the top(open) button and the other person would pull the trunk lid fully open to avoid catching the descending roof into the trunk. I would also need to help pull fully open the trunk lid when putting up the top. At that point I had an error Code A69C "Valve 3 for retractable hardtop"
Earlier today I tried to open the top to show my General Mechanic and I pushed the top open button but and nothing happened. We pulled up an error Code A69C "Valve 3 for retractable hardtop" I'm looking for advice for what to do next? My apologies if it's poor etiquette to piggyback onto ian996's issue? I am new to this and this forum.